
If you change your mind or there is a fault, please return your prints within 14 days, undamaged, for a full refund. Commissions are specifically exempt from this return policy as they are made to order. Additional terms and conditions for commissions apply, and can be viewed here.

As much as possible, prints will arrive within five working days (usually less). Hilary will inform you if it will be longer, with an option for a refund if this isn’t suitable.
Prices quoted include UK P&P. If you are not located in the United Kingdom an invoice may be sent to you via email, which must be paid in full before the work will be sent. The order can be cancelled and refunded at this point.
Hilary reserves the right not to supply prints, for any reason (including none).
No customer account details are retained by Hilary. Payments are processed through Paypal – please see Paypal’s own terms and conditions for details. Hilary accepts no liability for content delivered or activity performed by Paypal.
Hilary retains exclusive right to all contents of this website, including all images of her work. Unauthorized reproduction or use her work is not permitted.

Additional terms and conditions for commissioned work here